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Events + Guest Speakers

We have met some brilliant industry experts during this project.


Some have talked to us about how they've become the person they are today, others have shared how they made their unique mark in the creative and digital industries and how there's room for us to do the same, and others have given us the inside track on in-demand digital skills. 


We are grateful for each joyful moment and will remember these inspirational people.

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"Each experience contributes to your growth."

the trip where we found out we'd be making history

We went to the Race Relations Centre twice, thoughtout the project, to learn about how powerful our stories can be to positively impact our local communities. Additionally we better understood the importance of archiving those stories for generations to come. To think that our oral stories around lockdown will be around for our grand, grand, grand, grand, children is mind blowing!

guest speaker: kieron, the filmmaker

Kieron was the first of many guest speakers we had access to during the project. He is such a cool person! Mainly because he gets to create brilliant and creative pop videos for famous stars. During his talk, Kieron showed us some of the videos he made and shared how he plans for the footage to be capture, including making sure he gets a detailed brief ahead of time, from the client. After his talk, many of us ended up wanting to become music film directors!

guest speaker: andrea, the digital scrapbooker

Andrea came to see us all the way from Birmingham where she runs her digital scrapbooking company. She showed us the art of collecting our memories through the use of images and text. Lots of us were left inspired by Andrea's presentation and so many of us ended up working on creating a digital scrapbook for our first digital piece of work. You can snippets of our work on the 'Our COVID-19 Stories' page.

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the trip where we became radio dj's

One of our final trips of the project was to Credible Media. They are a local news company and have a live radio station in their basement. We got the chance to tour the radio studios, learn more about careers available in the media sector, and even have a go talking into the microphones in the actual radio studios. We were paired together and tasked to create a radio advert of our choice. Some of our topics were from another planet - quite literally. If you scroll down this page, you can listen to all of the adverts we created. Some of us are born radio DJ's according to the experts we met that day!

guest speaker: farah, the public speaker

Farah is an amazing public speaker. She took the time to share some of her tips on how to speak confidently in public. She was also generous enough to talk about her highs and lows of her lockdown. We found that there were lots of similarities between all of our experiences. We were also excited to find out that Farah was putting her expertise into practise when she was emcee for our celebration event!

how a bookshelf can make us a better presenter

Andy Hall is a confidence coach and public speaking expert. He has even spoken at TEDx - which some of us didn't know what that was until we met him. Now we think Andy is just super fabulous! He gave us lots of brilliant tips on how to give our celebration day speeches with confidence. One of the tricks he taught us for creating a spech, was to think of it as a bookshelf. There are 3 books along with a pair of books ends. The bookends represent the opening and closing statements, and the 3 books are the problem you've faced, the solutions found, and lessons learned. Using that structure, along with Andy's other tips, have been useful for us when writing our celebration speeches.

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Getting to grips with the filmmaking equipment


Kieron, the filmmaker, was a popular guest speaker!


The visit to Credible Media radio station was brilliant!


Working hard to create our radio adverts


Andy Hall is a great confidence coach

Showing off our digital scrapbooks

Showing off our digital scrapbooks


We enjoyed being radio DJ's


Our 2nd visit to the Race Relations Centre

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Learning how to capture our voices on oral recording machines


Thank you, again to Credible Media team for giving us the chance to tour your live radio station and record our unique radio adverts! Enjoy listening :)



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